Dalmia Cement Bharat Ltd (DCBL) is planning to set up a cement plant in Kharora village in Tilda Tehsil in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh.
The project involves setting up of production facilities with 3.25 mtpa of clinker, 2.5 mtpa of cement, a captive power plant of 27 MW, a waste heat recovery power plant of 15 MW. The project cost is estimated at ₹ 18,000 million. As of April 2019, the project is in planning stage.
Project Location | Kharora, Tilda,Chhattisgarh |
Project Cost (in million) | ₹18,000 |
Project Capacity | 2.5 mtpa |
Project Status | Planning |
Commissioning Date |
Company Profile : Dalmia Bharat Enterprises Ltd
If 300 acres agricultural land is required for the setting plant area cement factory
We can provide single day registration
We have previously provided 600 acres toM/S jk lakshmi cement Ltd. in district Durg chattisgarh